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Bezau | Höhlenpark-Klausenstein nature trail

Höhlenpark Bezau
Höhlenpark Bezau
Brücke im Höhlenpark Bezau
Höhlenpark Klausenstein in Bezau
im Höhlenpark Bezau
Höhlenpark Klausenstein
Höhlenpark Klausenstein in Bezau
Höhlenpark Klausenstein in Bezau
Höhlenpark Klausenstein in Bezau
Höhlenpark Klausenstein in Bezau
Thematic trail

Boulders of varying sizes form the Höhlenpark in the middle of the forest. The nature trail is also an easy walk even when the weather is a little dull.

Nature has impressively reclaimed this rockfall. It’s thought that the Höhlenpark was formed by a rockfall around 500 years ago. Boulders that are as large as houses piled up against each other on the way down into the valley to form the ‘Bergsturzhöhlen’ (‘Rock Slide Caves’) that now stand there. The rocks are today located in the middle of a forest that lets in lots of light. The nature trail is also an easy walk even when the weather is a little dull. A small pavilion at a viewpoint invites visitors to take a break. The 45 information panels that have been set up along the way provide overviews of this unique area’s geology and flora.

0:40 h


Starting from the town center, turn left just before the Hotel Sonne. After the Kriechere alpine dairy, a narrow footpath leads along the village stream in the direction of Oberbezau. Where the footpath leads into a paved road again, keep left and come to a large information board and thus to the start of the cave park nature trail. Now follow the signs and enjoy the special atmosphere of the Klausenstein nature park. With its caves and hiding places and the viewing pavilion, which can only be reached via an iron footbridge, the cave park is also very interesting for children.

Trail category: red-white



Best time of year



Waterproof mountain or hiking boots are recommended as equipment. Don't forget sunglasses and sunscreen.

Safety information


140 Alpine emergency Austria
144 Alpine emergency Vorarlberg
112 Euro-emergency call

Tour facts

Data source
vcloud, ID 91a7e577-5ffe-4d40-aabe-926b508bf9db
Last updated
05.09.2024, 14:39:14