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Hiking trail

This family hike is particularly varied due to the many possible variants.

An extensive family hike through the picturesque landscape of Lech. The starting point for your hike is the hiking starting point at the Rüfiplatz. After a short hike along the Lech promenade, you will soon reach the forest hiking trail through the district of Ebra. Now it goes comfortably through the forest, past a barbecue area, until you reach the resting place "Seelenbaumler". The ideal place for the landscape. The forest path leads you to the Alpkreuz and past a rustic hut in the direction of Tristeller Alpe. At the next fork in the road keep left downhill on the forest path. At the next turnoff choose the left path towards Bodenalpe. After a well-deserved rest, you can take the same way back to Lech.

2:00 h


The walk begins at the hike starting point at the Rüfiplatz. Follow the Lech Promenade upstream until you see the Hotel Pfefferkorn to your left. Walk past the hotel and turn left onto a back road going slightly uphill. The street goes through the Ebra district for a few metres. Soon, a paved path branches off to the left, which you follow to the edge of the forest. Here, you now take a forest path to your left going slightly uphill. From here, you can already enjoy the fantastic panoramic view ofLech am Arlberg and the (1) 3-hole golf course.After a few metres, you will get to a (2) barbecue site built with great attention to detail. The walk continues down the same path until you reach a small wood. A very special spot for a rest awaits you here – the (3) Seelenbaumler (hammock). The path continues to the edge of the forest, where you will find another (4) rest stop. You now continue downhill to the stables and then turn right again onto a forest path. Follow the path through a forest and across a stream until you reach a christian wayside shrine. At the shrine, take the ascending supply road on the right. When you have passed a (5) rustic lodge, follow the path to the left going uphill towards the Tristeller Alpe. The path continues fairly evenly here on level ground. You will reach a junction; follow the signpost to the left going downhill onto a forest road through the forest. Stay on the wide gravel road until you see a narrow track that branches off sharply to the left towards the Bodenalpe. Follow the path through the forest; a few steps will take you down to the Lech River. Cross the wooden bridge to get to the other side. From here, a narrow path leads upwards across a pasture to the (6) Bodenalpe. After a well-deserved rest, you can take the same path back to Lech, or you can take the hiking bus, which stops directly in front of the Bodenalpe.

Route A: Tristeller Alpe When you reach the junction follow the signpost to Tristeller Alpe. Going slightly uphill, you will reach the Göldenboden Alpe after crossing wide pastures. Across mountain pastures and finally over winding roads, you will ascend steadily to the Tristeller Alpe. From there you have a fantastic view of Lech am Arlberg, Oberlech and Bürstegg. You can return via the same path.

Route B: Hike around Stubenbach When you reach the junction to the Tristeller Alpe, follow the signpost to the left going downhill onto a forest road through the forest. After a few hairpin curves, a narrow forest path branches off to your left, which takes you back to the Stubenbach area and the Lech am Arlberg town centre.


Special features: the path can also be traversed in the opposite direction.

Places of interest: The Bodenalpe - is a 400-year-old building, probably built around 1621 under the name "Boda-Hus". Soon the house was enlarged and around 1800 even a demolished Walser homeland was set up. Accordingly, today's Bodenalpe welcomes visitors with its beautiful architecture, charming ambience and invigorating food.

Refreshment stops: Restaurants in Lech am Arlberg, Stubenbach-Stüble and Bodenalpe.



Best time of year



Good footwear (ankle high, profile sole), rain protection, Lech Card and bus timetable.

Safety information


140 Alpine Emergencies Austria-wide

144 Alpine Emergency Vorarlberg

112 Euro emergency call (works with any mobile phone/network)

Public transport

By train to Langen am Arlberg station or St. Anton am Arlberg. From there, buses (No. 750+760) run regularly to Lech Zürs am Arlberg.

Tour facts

Data source
vcloud, ID 8e1f06c3-cbbc-4f5d-8a37-810e630cb86a
Last updated
05.09.2024, 14:39:14