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Damüls Faschina | Sunrise and sunset hike to the Sünserspitze

Sünserspitze Gipfelkreuz mit Sünsersee
Blick von der Sünserspitze zu den Damülser Bergen
Sonnenaufgang in den Damülser Bergen
Weg zur Sünser Spitze
Blick von der Sünserspitze zum Bodensee
Blick von der Sünserspitze
Damülser Grat im Abendlicht
Gipfelkreuz Sünserspitze
Sonnenuntergang Sünserspitze
Stimmung nach dem Sonnenuntergang
Weg zur Sünserspitze
Blick auf Sünsersee
Hiking trail

Far behind, high above the Mellental, it rages, the Sünserspitze. The scenically impressive hike starts at the car park on Furkastrasse. Via the Alpe Portla and the Sünsalpe you reach the idyllically situated Sünsersee. Continue to the Sünserspitze, from which you have a wonderful view of the surrounding mountains. The hike is ideal for sunrises and sunsets.

The impressive sunrise or sunset hike starts at the parking lot on Furkastrasse. Via the Alpe Portla and the Sünsalpe you reach the idyllically situated Sünsersee. Continue to the Sünserspitze, from which you have a wonderful view of the surrounding mountains.

3:15 h


The parking lot that offers itself as a starting point is located approx. 300 m from the Furkajoch in the direction of Damüls on the Furkastraße. From here, Alpe Portla is already visible on the opposite slope. It goes past this first up to the Portlafürkele. Here the path splits and you get to the idyllically situated Sünsersee. On a meadow path it goes steeply up until the path forks. Here you turn left, first crossing magnificent mountain meadow slopes on an almost level path before a last, unproblematic climb leads to the Sünserspitze.



Best time of year



  • Warm mountain clothing in layers and a change of clothes
  • Waterproof mountain or hiking shoes with a non-slip sole
  • Sleeping mat, seat cushion as isolation from the ground
  • Bivouac sack (also for unplanned overnight stays)
  • hat and gloves
  • Headlamp with a good and wide beam of light
  • sunglasses and sunscreen
  • Snack and (warm) drinks
  • Information about the weather conditions
  • Orientation aids such as map, altimeter

Safety information


140 alpine emergencies throughout Austria

144 Alpine emergencies Vorarlberg

112 Euro emergency call (works with any mobile phone/network)

Choosing the exact time: So that you don't arrive too late at the summit, you should choose the exact time of sunrise or sunset.

Observe the weather: Of course, the weather should be very nice and stable at sunrise or sunset. Safety first!

Tour facts

Data source
vcloud, ID f7fc122f-2bc9-4f40-b10c-fa5fe68bfc76
Last updated
05.09.2024, 14:39:14